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Unlocking the Power of On-Demand Enterprise Automation(ODEA )- Enterprise Application Testing

In today's fast-paced business landscape, automation has become a necessity to augment human productivity and drive efficiency. Qualesce, a Worksoft global strategic implementation partner, has been at the forefront of this revolution, automating over 150,000 business processes for 100+ customers worldwide.

The Challenge of Automation

Despite the benefits, many businesses face significant hurdles in adopting automation, including:

  • High upfront investment
  • Minimum license commitments
  • Long-term contracts
  • Lack of pro services engineers
  • Difficulty demonstrating ROI
  • Complex business processes

The Rise of Cloud Automation

As more companies move to the cloud, the need for cloud automation has become increasingly apparent. Gartner predicts that over 85% of organizations will adopt a cloud-first principle by 2025. Qualesce has recognized this trend and developed an innovative solution to address the challenges of automation.

Introducing On-Demand Enterprise Automation (ODEA)

ODEA is a game-changing offering that reduces the need for customers to navigate the automation process. With ODEA, businesses can start their automation journey for as little as $2500. Qualesce provides a turnkey automation solution, bundling services from process discovery to deployment and sustenance.

Benefits to customers

  • Reduce costs: Only pay for what you need, without being locked into expensive minimum commitments
  • Increase flexibility: Scale up or down to match changing business needs
  • Improve budgeting: Predictable costs and no surprise expenses
  • Enhance agility: Quickly respond to new opportunities or challenges
  • Simplify management: Streamlined licensing and reduced administrative burdens
  • Maximize ROI: No need for a large budget to demonstrate ROI
  • Commitment: No Minimum License/term commitment, No huge upfront investment

How our existing customers benefiting from ODEA business model.

A mid-sized manufacturing company achieved a significant breakthrough by automating their entire SAP suite with just 2 licenses, resulting in:

  • A reduction of 15% of 5 full-time employees' effort during every release cycle
  • 95% test coverage
  • Enhanced impact analysis capabilities, enabling the SAP team to focus on critical T-codes affected by new releases
  • A shorter new releases deployment cycle.


In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, flexibility and scalability are crucial for success. The ODEA model offers a revolutionary approach to software licensing, providing customers with the ability to adapt to changing needs without being tied down by rigid minimum commitments and terms. By offering a flexible and scalable licensing model, with embracing our On-demand Enteprise Automation model, customers can break free from the constraints of traditional licensing agreements and unlock a more agile, cost-effective, and successful future.

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Nagaraj Shivakumar Automation Advisor

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